Introduction to Free Google Chrome Themes

Google Chrome is the worlds latest web browser, and although new already has 5% of the browser market share. While the browser is still in its beta testing phases there are already many Google Chrome Themes available for Free!

On this website I hope to bring together the top free Google Chrome themes for you to dwonload!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Google Chrome Mac OS v1.0 Theme by Thorny

The first free Google Chrome theme I am going to feature is that by Thorny of DeviantArt.

Full kudos to the guy, this excellent Google Chrome theme puts many others to shame and was made soley by himself.

The Google Chrome Mac OS 1.0 theme fits perfectly with Mac OS X or Windows XP and Vista, making it one of the more versatile Google Chrome Themes.  It is important to note though that its darker colours may not appeal to some who prefer Google Chromes bold layout!

This is by far my favorite free Google Chrome Theme and is the one I am using right now!

This Google Chrome theme is dead easy to install using These Google Chrome Theme Install Instructions and can be downloaded free here!